Hari Fox Could I request a "Mrs. McCoy's 'Top Ten' Travel Tips" post?"
- Kristy McCoy Anything specific you are looking for?Hari Fox Going on a trip for a week to a foreign country- what do you recommend?
Kristy McCoy Tip #1: Don't be a victim of pickpocketing. Get a Scottevest jacket of some sort or Pacsafe bag to store away your money. it's even a good idea to put $20 or so underneath the sole of your shoe.
Kristy McCoy Tip #2: Clean out the wallet. You don't need to take everything you carry at home with you overseas. Take the bare essentials. Make sure to let your credit card company know you are traveling before you go so they don't freeze your account for "suspicious" activity. Scan all of the documents you are taking with you (front and back) and load it into Google Docs or somewhere secure. Take a copy of it with you as well and put it in a different bag in a secure place.Kristy McCoy Tip #3: Know your credit card benefits. A lot of credit cards will have lost luggage reimbursement, delayed trip benefits, and more. Also - know how much your credit card/debit card charges for foreign transactions? Most charge a 3% currency conversion fee. Some charge 2% and some charge 1% or 0%. It might be a good reason to pick one over another.
Also, in many foreign countries, the ATM won't take a PIN number that starts in 0 or 1. You may want to check on your PIN before you leave if you plan to use it.Kristy McCoy Tip #4: When traveling internationally, make sure to get rid of any foreign coins before coming back home. You are better off getting snacks in the airport or buying souvenirs than bringing home those coins. I've never been able to find any foreign currency exchange places (including the bank) that would exchange coins. Your leftover bills will exchange just fine back home. Try to get cash in the local currency before you leave. You are better off not using credit cards in Japan (or so I've heard).Kristy McCoy Tip #5: I love pack-it folders to help you compress more into the same space. Check out this past blog post of mine: http://iamfromthesuitcase.blogspot.com/2013/01/travel-tip-tuesday-packing-solution.htmlKristy McCoy Tip #6: On long flights where you might not have access to a toothbrush, try Colgate Wisps. They're inexpensive, refreshing, lightweight, and barely take up any room. No water needed. Also, I suggest you bring an empty water bottle to refill in the airport. No sense paying for water when you don't need to. (More liquids tips:http://iamfromthesuitcase.blogspot.com/2012/07/tuesday-travel-tip-save-money-on-liquids.html)Kristy McCoy Tip #7: In addition to whatever electrical converter you need, I always suggest bringing a surge protector/extension cord. You never know how many plugs you'll have to charge your electronics, and most people are willing to share with someone who can accommodate them too. (http://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/world-electricity-guide.html)Kristy McCoy Tip #8: If you ever have a claim with insurance for lost luggage, you'll need proof of what you packed. Snap a quick photo of the contents of your luggage before each trip with your camera or phone's camera and email it to yourself. It'll take you seconds to do, but it's the proof you need later.
With your phone and with your camera, take a photo of a piece of paper that says, "If found, please contact:" and provide your contact information. If your camera is lost, hopefully the people who find it will go through the photos and will contact you. If your camera was stolen, hopefully the people will at least be nice enough to send you back the memory card.Kristy McCoy Tip #9: Since you are taking a long flight...bring chewing gum for changes in air pressure and lip balm if your lips get dry. Wear loose fitting, slip on shoes & loose fitting clothes in layers. You want to be able to warm up or cool down as needed. You'll may also want some kind of pillow onboard. My husband likes his TravelRest (http://www.travelrest.net/default.asp) which completely wraps around the handle of his bag. I like my SkyRest, but people look at you strangely (http://www.skyrest.com/home).Kristy McCoy Tip #10: Research local customs, a few local words, and tipping. Know the local scams (especially on souvenirs). And, if you're allowed, bring an extra duffel bag that you pack empty into your luggage going so you can fill it up coming home. I bet you'll want the space.

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