Happy Trails

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Travel Tip Tuesday: Using Socks to Cool Your Drinks

I've never tried this one myself, but I've heard it really works.

If you ever find yourself wanting a cool beverage but unable to get one due to lack of ice or refrigeration, get a clean sock, put your bottle or can inside, and completely submerge the sock in water.

Hang the sock up for 15 minutes.  The natural breezes in the air will cool down the item in the sock.

Who knew?!?

For more info, here's a great article:  http://www.stripes.com/news/cold-water-in-the-desert-sock-trick-really-works-1.67187

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Travel Tip Tuesday: Foreign Coins

When traveling internationally, make sure to get rid of any foreign coins before coming back home.  You are better off getting snacks in the airport or buying souvenirs than bringing home those coins.

I've never been able to find any foreign currency exchange places (including the bank) that would exchange coins.  Your leftover bills will exchange just fine back home.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Travel Tip Thursday: TripAdvisor

Looking over my blog, I'm rather shocked that I haven't yet written about my favorite website for travel research...TripAdvisor.  This is a phenomenal website to find out about destination hotels, restaurants  and things to do.

I don't know that I've ever been on a trip in my adult life that didn't utilize some TripAdvisor.com research.

TripAdvisor takes user reviews to help rank attractions, tours, lodging, and eateries.  I need to contribute more often.  This resource is only amazing because people take the time to tell others what they think.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Travel Tip Thursday: Delete Cookies When Searching for Flights

I've heard this before, but I'd never seen proof.  I follow JohnnyJet on Twitter, and he wrote this great article explaining why you should occasionally delete your cookies when browsing for airfare.  It could save you lots of money.