Big red sign, exclamation marks, bold typeface, drawings included. Heck...they might even put warning rope around the never fails that someone will believe they are allowed to ignore the rules.
Case in on the Jungfraujoch in Switzerland we took these photos of people ignoring the warning signs...
and, as my husband said, "Why not? I'm sure nothing could go wrong playing in the snow on the unsafe portion of a glacier 10,000 feet in the sky."

I imagine her saying, "But my snow angels look so much better over here where I could die."

I imagine her saying, "See, I look way better on this side of the ropes. You can't see them at all now."
Has anyone else noticed this? I wonder if people do it with police tape. "Ooo - I'm part of the crime scene now."
So now I'll likely make more of an effort to capture them at their idiocy. I'll consider it sort of a social experiment.

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Natural selection is a powerful force in nature. :)