I fancy myself a traveler, not a tourist. To most people, there is little distinction, but I hold true to the motto seen all over New Zealand...
Take only photographs...
Leave only footprints.
Kris and I try not to touch valued artwork. We attempt to be cognizant to those around us and not ruin their moments. I try to quickly take my photographs if a group is around and leave for the next person to get a turn.
We evaluate whether or not we really need to be in a photo if there is a crowd around. If you are next to a monument, art, or something that attracts others, you are likely ruining someone else's moment or photo. Do you need to be?
Kris says I should embrace it. He says I should just make a photo album called, "Photos that could have been great if the tourists would have gotten out of the way..."
So, taking his advice, I got the photo with the tourists; then waited around for one without the tourists.
What do you think? Better with the tourists or without? Feel free to weigh in on the matter in the comments section!