When traveling, it's really easy to forget about those around you. We're often harried and stressed and oblivious to those around us. The one thing I notice the more I travel is how awful the seat recline is for the person in the seat behind you.
I get super frustrated on short flights when the person in front of me reclines. Those tiny inches of recline really don't make that much of a comfort difference for the person reclining...I know...I've tried, but they make a heck of a lot of difference to the person behind you who can no longer access the stuff they've stored under the seat in front of them. Those inches matter a lot to the person who can no longer use their tray table or laptop, or even easily get up to go to the restroom.
I'm sitting behind a person right now going from Denver to Dallas. He isn't sleeping, which would, in my mind, make reclining forgivable, and he's in the exit row. There is nobody seated next to him. But he reclined anyway...and he's using the tray table of the seat next to him. And, to top it off, he's not even leaning back!
So do people a favor and think twice before you recline.
End rant.